CCOM hosts training on suicide prevention | Medical student has a drive for motorsports safety | WVSOM graduate begins aerospace medicine residency
December 11, 2024
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Second-year students at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine have trained about 100 first-year students in suicide prevention through the QPR Institute, with the support of Dean Thomas Boyle, DO, and the school's wellness committee. "If we cannot ask if someone is considering suicide, then we cannot intervene and prevent it," medical student Kaylee Stowe said.
Full Story: Midwestern University (12/10) 
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Aidan Davis, a first-year medical student at the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, writes about combining a passion for motorsports with a medical career. Through the Spartan Motorsport Performance Lab, Davis works on projects to enhance driver safety and performance, including spinal injury protocols and heat stress management.
Full Story: Michigan State University (12/5) 
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Ethan Stephens, DO, a graduate of the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, has begun an aerospace medicine residency at the University of Texas Medical Branch. "I found out about aerospace medicine late in medical school and was able to observe some online lectures about the specialty. I have been hooked ever since," Dr. Stephens said.
Full Story: The Register-Herald (Beckley, W.Va.) (12/9) 
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Medical student Colleen Hart of the Lincoln Memorial University–DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine won $100,000 in a college football halftime promotion. "I think the biggest thing for me career path-wise is truly focus on what I find most fulfilling and not look at the numbers and the values associated with that career field," Hart said.
Full Story: WVLT-TV (Knoxville, Tenn.) (12/9) 
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Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine is working to enhance obesity education for physicians by participating in the FORWARD Education QI Project. Assistant Dean Kim Pfotenhauer, DO, highlights the importance of treating obesity as a disease and notes the potential effect of increased Medicare and Medicaid coverage for anti-obesity medications.
Full Story: Michigan State University (12/10) 
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Several hospitals nationally are closing or reducing residency programs this year because of rising costs and insufficient federal funding. Other contributing factors include declining local population, changing community needs and lost accreditation because of insufficient surgical volumes.
Full Story: Becker's Hospital Review (12/5) 
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Applications are now being accepted for AACOM’s Osteopathic Health Policy Internship (OHPI) Program. The OHPI Program affords osteopathic medical students the opportunity to learn about and advance AACOM’s legislative and regulatory advocacy priorities. The program is open to current second- and third-year osteopathic medical students. Apply by February 21, 2025.
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Tomorrow, December 12, 2024, at 3:00 PM ET, Mark R. Speicher, PhD, MA, senior vice president of research, learning and innovation, will join speakers from the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education for a webinar focused on the new Foundational Competencies in Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) for U.S. medical schools. The speakers will share the new foundational competencies, outline how and why they were developed and discuss next steps for advancing competency-based medical education in UME.
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In a time when division feels unavoidable, the choices we make and what algorithms reinforce—what we read, believe and support -- often deepen the gaps between us. Watch our webinar recording to discover data and strategies to turn division into connection and to build bridges in OME.
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Students host regional medical education conference, visit Kenya during Thanksgiving and more
You'll also read about UNTHSC-TCOM’s Performing Arts Medicine grant and the CCOM students who raised awareness for One Health Day. Read more.
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