Sign up Enter your work email address * I consent to the use of my personal data. In accordance with SmartBrief's privacy policy, including its cookie policy. Complete sign up About ROA The men and women who serve our nation in the cause of freedom need and deserve a voice in creating government policy. ROA provides that voice. Respected, vigorous, effective - ROA has a long history of policy accomplishments, and an ambitious long-range program for the coming decade and beyond. Created by SmartBrief, a business news publisher, in partnership with the Reserve Officers Association. A 2x/weekly snapshot of news relevant to the reserve officer community with articles from Military Times, Stars and Stripes, The Hill's DEFCON Hill blog and other leading sources. Summaries of what matters to you, written by expert editors to save you time and keep you informed and prepared. Now you can keep current with your industry without having to sift through the news every day. You don't need to be a member of the association to take advantage of this free service. Welcome to SmartBrief. SmartBrief is the leading online publisher of targeted business news and information by industry. By combining technology and editorial expertise, SmartBrief filters thousands of sources daily to deliver the most relevant industry news in partnership with more than 180 trade associations, professional societies nonprofits and corporate entities.