About The Medical Society of the State of New York.
The Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) is an organization of approximately 20,000 licensed physicians, medical residents, and medical students in New York State. Members participate in both the state society and in their local county medical societies. MSSNY is a non-profit organization committed to representing the medical profession as a whole and advocating health related rights, responsibilities and issues. MSSNY strives to promote and maintain high standards in medical education and in the practice of medicine in an effort to ensure that quality medical care is available to the public.
  • Created by SmartBrief, a business news publisher, in partnership with the Medical Society of the State of New York.
  • A daily snapshot of news for physicians with news from leading sources.
  • Summaries of what matters to you, written by expert editors to save you time and keep you informed and prepared.
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