Thousands of children missing, dead in Gaza, NGO warns | Communal kitchens battle to fight Sudan's rising hunger | 1.8M stranded by floods in northeastern Bangladesh
June 25, 2024
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An estimated 17,000 children have been separated from their families amid the conflict in Gaza, while another 4,000 are presumed buried in the rubble of destroyed buildings, Save the Children reports. Immediate famine risk in the territory's north has been mitigated by a recent influx of humanitarian aid, but crisis levels of hunger are still apparent across all of Gaza, according to a draft version of the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification report.
Full Story: ABC News (6/24),  The Associated Press (6/24) 
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Crises & Countries in Conflict
Neighborhood-based mutual aid groups in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum are running communal kitchens to avert famine in the city, where insecurity has forced out most major aid groups. Security threats, funding shortages and power and communications blackouts are limiting meal offerings. "The challenge for us is not that we don't have the food, it's that we can't get it to the people who need it," says UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell of the situation.
Full Story: The New Humanitarian (6/24),  BBC (6/24) 
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Weeks of torrential rain have caused widespread flooding across northeastern Bangladesh, where some 1.8 million people are stranded without access to food or clean water, according to local officials. The country's monsoon season has only just begun, and aid groups have voiced concerns about the potential threats to children and residents of refugee camps.
Full Story: CNN (6/23) 
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Empowering Civil Society
Authorities in Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela are all considering legislation that could restrict or halt civil society organizations' activities, threatening human rights in the region, Amnesty International warns. "While the bills take different approaches, they all share alarming features," Amnesty warns, adding the bills "often use vague and imprecise language to conduct disproportionate, arbitrary, and unjust controls of the operational and financial information of civil society organizations."
Full Story: Jurist (6/22) 
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Geopolitical divisions and fractured relationships between UN member states have resulted in increased opposition to Human Rights Council resolutions regarding rights in Africa, according to research from DefendDefenders and AfricanDefenders. "Crises like Sudan, Ethiopia, South Sudan deserve much more scrutiny, and that means stronger resolutions at the Human Rights Council that provide for reporting, monitoring, public debates and strong mechanisms that document and investigate violations," the NGOs state.
Full Story: PassBlue/Geneva Solutions (6/24) 
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Global Development
Authorities in Iraq are moving forward with plans to shutter 23 displacement camps in Iraqi Kurdistan by the end of July, offering residents -- most of whom are Yazidi survivors of a violent massacre in 2014 -- payments toward resettlement costs and access to a jobs program. The looming camp closures are "leading many to feeling under pressure to return home, rather than making a voluntary and informed decision," says Jean-Nicolas Beuze of the UN High Commission for Refugees.
Full Story: The Guardian (London) (6/21) 
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Changing climate conditions and the destruction of natural habitats are increasing the frequency of interactions between snakes and humans in Kenya, where snakebite deaths have risen to 4,000 per year and 7,000 victims experience paralysis or other complications. Most of the country's antivenom supply is imported, making it less effective and expensive, but researchers are working to produce antivenom locally and ensure snakebite treatment is accessible to all Kenyans.
Full Story: Voice of America/The Associated Press (6/23) 
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Humanitarian Coordination & Practice
Farms for Orphans, an NGO based in the Democratic Republic of Congo's capital of Kinshasa, successfully launched a project aimed at cultivating palm weevil larvae as a source of protein to combat malnutrition. The group currently produces around 660 pounds of the larvae each month but hopes to ramp up production so that sales of the bugs can subsidize donations to Congo orphanages.
Full Story: Reuters (6/25) 
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Leadership Development
Pride in your work is important, but Austin Detwiler writes that NGO fundraisers should be wary of allowing their pride to turn to hubris, which can alienate donors and destroy their efforts. A little humility can improve your chances of scoring meetings with potential donors and limit feelings of resentment toward donors and prospects, Detwiler advises.
Full Story: Philanthropy Daily (6/21) 
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Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment
Teenage girls and young women in Afghanistan detained by Taliban authorities for violating hijab rules say they were sexually assaulted, beaten and intimidated by officials while in custody. A Taliban spokesperson denies all the allegations.
Full Story: The Guardian (London) (6/25) 
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I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.
L. M. Montgomery,
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